What's New at "A Good Community"

Here are the most recent important changes to our website, including new articles, visitor questions, and editors' answers. You'll also find links to significantly revised pages and time-sensitive or short items we want to bring to your attention. Sometimes we also add short items of interest, especially time-sensitive notes about conferences, webinars, or seasons.

Tips on How to Organize a Neighborhood Parade

horn players in a marching band in uniform

Understanding how to organize a neighborhood parade will save you lots of aggravation. We share our experience about what you need to consider.

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Winter Newsletter Ideas for Neighborhoods and Homeowner Associations

winter newsletter ideas

For fresh winter newsletter ideas or prompts for your social media during colder months, this page provides some useful cues.

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Code enforcement and wood piles

Published: October 1, 2024 Visitor Question: I thought it was supposed to be against codes to stack firewood on bare ground in a neighborhood. My neighbor

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Zoning ordinance has outdated public category

Published: October 2, 2024 Visitor Question: Our zoning ordinance has not been updated in decades, long-time residents tell me. The city officials I have

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Can we force contractors to keep down the dust?

Published: September 28, 2024 Visitor Question: I live on a busy road. The city has decided it wants to upgrade the street. Considering the number of

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How to get people interested in our neighborhood plan

Posted: September 29, 2024 Visitor Question: Several of us who are very active in our neighborhood association have finally managed to convince the city

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Power of HOA after covenants expire

Visitor Question: Where does an HOA derive its authority/powers? Does the HOA have any authority or powers if the land covenants expired? Specifically,

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Should the HOA board give notice of meetings?

Visitor Question: Some of my neighbors and I are having an issue with our HOA. They are threatening to make new rules that pertain to only the six or seven

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Does a CDC have to post public notices

Visitor Question: In the last year or so, a so-called CDC, a community development corporation, has been formed to work in and near the neighborhood where

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Adaptive Reuse Sometimes Yields Spectacular Results

adaptive reuse 2

Adaptive reuse, or converting old buildings to a new use, is an attractive means of adding distinctive and marketable housing or business to a community.

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Small waterfront development in rural town

Published: August 9, 2024 Visitor Question: My town has 32 acres now owned by the town that it wants to develop. The town council only seems to be able

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Commercial Corridor Redevelopment Boosts a City's Image and Finances

Las Vegas Strip

Commercial corridor redevelopment along major roads and highways improves a community's image and increases the likelihood of business success.

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Nonprofits opposing variance applications

Visitor Question: Can a nonprofit organization send a representative employee to oppose a variance application without hiring an attorney? Editor Reply:

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Ideas for Jump Starting Commercial District Revitalization

Commercial district revitalization is challenging due to multiple property and business owners. Coordination and diversification are essential.

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Codes to quiet cars with booming sub woofers

Visitor Question: How have other communities dealt with loud booming sub-woofer speakers in cars? We have many in our city. I wonder if there are any ways

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